Community Trademark Application
EUIPO is a registration system that is valid before all the European Union member states. The applications are executed and conducted by the (European Union Intellectual Property Office)EUIPO, which is in Spain, Alicante. Since Turkey is a party to the Paris Agreement and the World Trade Organisation Agreement, Turkish citizens are able to enjoy the right for this system.
The advantages of the community trademark application; comparing to the individual registration is, the registration possibility in all European Community member states; comparing to the Madrid registrations, it is not dependant to the registration in Turkey (or in any country of origin)
The disadvantages of the registration; the registration process is long lasting and if in any of the countries the application has got rejection, this could cause the rejection of the registration in all member states.
As of this date the number of the member states are 28, could be found form this EUIPO link.
Please file the Communication form send e-mail to our address/send fax message to +90 312 230 5483 for detailed information or have correspondence with our head Office.