MTP Trademark and Patent Office


Our MTP Trademark and Patent Registration Office started active business officially in the year 2001. As of today, MTP family is a professional establishment to providing a orney and consultancy services to many real persons and legal persons both on a domestic basis and abroad including trademark registration, patent and utility model registration, design registration and geographical signs registration within the context of Industrial Property Rights.

Our MTP Trademark and Patent Registration Office headquarters in Kizilay / Ankara and for the purposes of providing be er and faster services for our clients, we have led the way in 2003 by opening our Hipodrom Branch located right across the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, to the service of you valued trademark and patent owners.

Our İstanbul Perpa Branch started business in the year 2002 so that it will be possible for us to provide our services easier, safer and faster to our client firms in our portfolio that are located in İstanbul and also for the new firms we are yet to work with (for the ease of document exchange and face to face meetings).

Our advertising department is providing services for logo design, institutional identity design and web design since 2011 by taking into consideration the needs of our customers in the stage of institutionalization.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for all your questions about unfair competition and any questions you may have.