Design Registration in terms of the Hague Agreement
Turkey signed the HAGUE AGREEMENT for the International Registration of Designs in 01.01.2005. International Design Registration System provides upper advantages for the companies which have international market share.
The most significant advantage is; with only one language and only one payment it is possible to register an DESIGN in 88 countries.
Attention please!
There would be opportunist firms in the exported countries, want to register the Designs of the goods, advertised by your side. Either any rival exporter company in the same business field in Turkey, might use and register the DESIGNS which you have advertised and promoted. If such event happens there would be confiscation risk for the goods at the customs.
This kind of events will cause many losses timely, materially and morally, in order to prove being the real right owner before the competent authorities and/or courts.
People or corporations who have the right to apply for Design could choose the following countries;
(TR) | Turkey (Türkiye) | (KG) | Kyrgystan (Kırgızistan) | |
(EE) | Estonia (Estonya) | (LI) | Liechtenstein (Lihtenştayn) | |
(EG) | Egypt (Mısır) | (MD) | Republic of Moldova (Moldova Cumhuriyeti) | |
(ES) | Spain (İspanya) | (NA) | Namibia (Namibya) | |
(GE) | Georgia (Gürcistan) | (RO) | Romania (Romanya) | |
(CH) | Switzerland (İsviçre) | (TN) | Tunisia (Tunus) | |
(HR) | Croatia (Hırvatistan) | (SI) | Slovenia (Slovenya) | |
(IS) | Iceland (İzlanda) | (UA) | Ukraine (Ukrayna) | |
(HU) | Hungary (Macaristan) | (AZ) | Azerbaijan (Azerbaycan) | |
(FI) | Finland (Finlindiya) | (GH) | Ghana (Gana) | |
(DE) | Germany (Almanya) | (LT) | Lithuania (Litvanya) | |
(MN) | Mongolia (Moğalistan) | (ST) | Sao Tome And Principe (Saotom) | |
(BG) | Bulgaria (Bulgaristan) | (AM) | Armenia (Ermenistan) | |
(PL) | Poland (Polanya) | (BW) | Bostwana (Bostvana) | |
(RW) | Rwanda (Ruanda) | (DK) | Denmark (Danimarka) | |
(SG) | Singapore (Singapur) | (EM) | European Union (Avrupa Topluluğu) | |
(OM) | Oman (Umman) | (LV) | Latvia (Letonya) | |
(MK) | Macedonia (Makedonya) | (MC) | Monaco (Monako) | |
(ME) | Montenegro (Karadağ) | (TJ) | Tajikistan (Tacikistan) | |
(NO) | Norway (Norweç) | (RS) | Serbia (Sırbistan) | |
(AL) | Albania (Arnavutluk) | (SY) | Syrian (Suriye) | |
(FR) | France (Fransa) | (OA) | OAPI African Intellectual Property Organization (Afrika Fikri Mülkiyet Organizasyonu) | |
(BA) | Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna ve Hersek) |
Please fill the Communication Form/send e-mail to our address/send fax message to +90 312 230 5483 for information about Design Registration processes in terms of the Hague Agreement or have correspondence with our head Office.