Trademark Registration in Turkey
Trademark registration in Turkey; the only authorized public enterprise for a Turkish trademark registration is the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT).
Trademark registration and brandization; is registration of the signs for the goods and/or services ( on all business documents including the signboards). Usually trademarks comprise of words, devices (logo), letters and numbers. You need Professional assistance about the trademark application and registration matters in Turkey for trademark research, examination and consideration.
After the trademark research on the online system for the Turkish Trademarks in case of any obstacle trademarks (any other obstacle rules) Turkish trademark application process could begin.
About Turkish Trademark registration proceeding, the most significant phase of the registration process is the beginning phase. Professional and experienced help for this proceeding is significant.
Because the refusal of the trademark/s by the TURKPATENT, due to the less analysis, would be undesirable for the firms. This kind of events will cause many losses timely, materially and morally for the firms which applied for a Turkish trademark.
Trademark publication in Turkiy; after the first examination process if the TURKPATENT decides for registration there will be publication for the third parties oppositions, it will be approximately 3-5 months later from the application.
Trademark registration; After the publication period if there would not be any oppositions from the third parties, with the registration fee and completion of the missing documents the registration become final and the registration certificate is arranged. The protection begins from the application date.
The information and documentation, needed for a Turkish Trademark registration:
- The application form WORD / PDF enclosed please find.
- Application fee could change according to the number of the classes.
- The sample of the trademark
- PoA, enclosed please find the related PoA WORD / PDF. Should be duly signed, apostille is not required.
Please file the Communication form send e-mail to our address/send fax message to +90 312 230 5483 for more information about Trademark Registration matters in Turkey.